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Choose your pricing plan

Find one that works for you

  • Basic

    Every month
    Short Hair style (“10 inch long)
    Valid for 12 months
    • Free hair style up to 20 minutes
    • Hair style curler
    • Hair flat iron
    • Discounts on hair products and styling tools
  • Gold

    Every month
    Medium Hair type ( from 10" to 19")
    Valid for 12 months
    • Hair style up to 30min
    • Hair style curler
    • Hair style flat iron
    • Discounts on hair products and stylings tools
  • Platinum

    Every month
    Long hair above “19” inch to "30"
    Valid for 12 months
    • Free hair style
    • Hair style up to 40 Min
    • Hair style curly
    • Hair style flat iron
    • Discounts on hair products and stylings tools
  • V.I.P

    Every month
    Afro hair type and longest hair then “30
    Valid for 12 months
    • Free hair style up to “60 inches
    • Hair curler style
    • Hair Flat iron
    • Discounts on hair products and styling tools
    • Free Per shampoo and conditioner per month.


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